Nov 25 07

Out of Exile

I’m back! I haven’t been away, just overwhelmed with all kinds of deadlines and responsibilities and my life has become somewhat of a triage situation, where I deal with what MUST be dealt with in the next 48 hours and set the rest aside. Not the way I like to live and hopefully, my schedule will be closer to normal in the foreseeable future. Anyway, on to fun stuff… I finally finished “Joy in the Garden,” as seen below:


This picture doesn’t capture the colors all that well, but I just LOVE to look at this quilt because for some reason, it just plain makes me really happy! The center pansy is the only part that is trapuntoed, but the larger appliqué shapes protrude a bit because all their thread work was free motion embroidery and not quilting. The purple swirls at the top are an example of that:


See how it kind of protrudes out? Here’s a shot of the vine trailing down around the pansy; it’s called the celestial vine and it’s on the next DVD:


I get a kick out of how delicate it is! Here’s a shot of the background quilting in the green area:


I always feel kind of sad when I finish quilting a quilt because it means an end to our close contact, but I’m kind of glad I finished this one so I can get it up on a wall and just look at it! Plus, I’ve got a lot of other quilting projects I’m working on now, so it’s time to move on. I’m far enough along on one of them that I promise another post this week to make up for my posting hiatus!


  1. Yvonne aka sommeke Says:

    It’s a joy to see your finished Joy in the Garden! What a beautifull quilt! Thanks for sharing the pics!

    Yvonne in Antwerp/Belgium

  2. Sally Bramald Says:

    It’s a great quilt. Hope your life gets back on track soon. It’s annoying when other stuff gets in the way.

  3. Paddy's Daughter Says:

    It is absolutely gorgeous. Love the dense quiliting and embroidery. So very clever.

  4. Laura Says:

    Your quilt “Joy in the Garden” takes my breath away. The colors, the quilting, the threadplay, are all amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your gift.
    I pray that life will slow down and become peaceful not panicky for you!