Jul 16 16

Nikki’s Latest Photos

Nikki has finished her incredible blue wall hanging; here’s a shot of it after she’d trimmed the edges to square it up:
Holy-you-know-what!!  Isn’t this incredible?  Here are a few close-ups:
…and here is another:
…and another:
I am blown away by her skills and it really makes me feel great that she feels like I inspired her to do this.  All I can say is WOW and way to go, Nik!!!!


  1. Wendy Dyhr Says:

    Love the pebbles and the echoed flowered ts around the outside. Way to go Niki. You are a champ. Patsy, should be very proud of such inspiritation. Well done.

  2. Janet Says:

    So beautiful!! Maybe there’s hope for me.

  3. Nancy Says:

    Love the art work.

  4. Kimberly Clark Says:

    Oh wow! This is absolutely beautiful!!!! I love all the contrasts!!!

  5. Maria Gardner Says:

    Fantastic in every way: design, stitching, color, skill. What a WOW quilt.

  6. Cathy Gionfriddo Says:

    Wow, absolutely BEAUTIFUL.