Aug 15 16

A New Ruler Work Border Design

Coming up with new border designs using rulers never gets old to me.  I’m finding that you can easily generate lots of ideas just by virtue of how you “subdivide” the space under a basic  arched border framework.  Here’s a shot of the original empty framework before I started filling it in.  These were created using the arc rulers in the PTD ruler starter pack, but you can create this type of framework using all kinds of arc rulers:
The first fill-in was a featherette to fill in the tapered channel in the outermost position.  This featherette is in the “upside down” orientation and I call this a “waterfall featherette:”
(I used a different color of polyester thread just to jazz things up.)  Next up, I filled the 2 crescent shapes with smaller featherettes.  They look like mirror images because my goal as I stitched was to use up all available space and that results in a fair amount of symmetry:
(That last section was quilted with a deep turquoise rayon thread.)  Last but not least, I filled that center bottom section with a different type of featherette using a Floriani green polyester thread:
border-framework-4Can’t wait to add this into the border of a “real quilt!”


  1. Nancy Says:

    Very lovely!

  2. Diane Evans Says:

    Gorgeous! (I use that word a lot with your work, don’t I?!) Can’t wait to try it myself!


  3. Margaret Fraser Says:

    Awesome work,I like the way you think outside the box for quilting