Oct 15 06
What size is that needle?
Keep a small magnifying glass next to your machine and you will be able to read the size off any machine needle once it’s outside its packaging.
Oct 15 06
Keep a small magnifying glass next to your machine and you will be able to read the size off any machine needle once it’s outside its packaging.
Filed under Tips & Tricks.
I can’t find the list that gives the steps before you start quilting which you talk about in the dvd I received today. I beleive it is in chapter 4. Great dvd. Helen Fowler
Thanks, Helen! That list is in the “free downloads section” under “Fast and Free, Volume I.” It’s called the “newbie preflight checklist.” Good luck and have fun!
I have assigned a color to each sized sewing machine needle. When I open a new pack of needles I color the top of the needle that inserts into the machine with permanent marker. You could also use another color with the size color to tell what type needle (universal, embroidery, quilting, etc). This way when I change needles I can save the used but still good needle to a pin cushion with it’s size code marked in color.