Feb 03 11

Checking In

I did a bit of quilting over the weekend and took lots of in-process photos but when I went to post them tonight, they were all pretty blurry. Bummer! So, I don’t have much to share except some photos of blocks I’ve been playing around with. The first one is the pinwheel made of double plumes above. It would look better as a 4-patch but I was in a hurry so I just went with a single background fabric. This next one is made by rotating plumes around a lightly traced circle:

There are 2 sizes of plumes here and what’s fun is that you can make all kinds of sizes of wreaths just by altering the diameter of the circle. I really like how it makes the wreath more ornate to have double plumes rather than single plumes. In this last one, I added internal single plumes to jazz it up just a bit more:

So much fun to play with this stuff! I also started finishing up little projects that I unearthed in my sewing room. This pincushion had been sitting on my work table for 4 months and all I needed to do was to sew a button in the center of that flower:

I made it by cutting out the layers of this 3 layer flower with Sizzix die #654982:

and what I like about it is that it’s 3-dimensional and you can run your fingers between the layers. (It’s made from wool/rayon felt.) You can see the layers better in this angled shot:


  1. Lynn Says:

    Love the jazzed up version of the two plume wreath. Very nice color play. Would enjoy seeing a picture of it after you stitch it up.

    By the way, are you using snow tunnels yet? Weather here in Alaska is better than the Midwest. How bad is that?

  2. Leslie McNeil Says:

    Pasty, as usual, “I’m in love” with the plumed feather wreath! I can’t wait… for more!

  3. Alice Says:

    Patsy, those plumes are wonderful. I can only imagine, what they will look like, once you add your thread flair!

    Hope you are healing, and taking time to rest too!

    I love the idea of using felt for those flowers. Something more for me to think about. I have fused the three layers using cotton, but the idea of having them loose in a thicker fabric is interesting too. Now to decide if I should continue cleaning up my disaster.. I mean quilt’n room, or go dig out my wool felt. *grin*.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  4. Claire Pereira Says:

    Glad to see you back at it again.(Must be feeling better)
    I love to see what you are up to.
    Very nice.

  5. penny Says:

    Love your ideas,cant wait to try some. Love your dvds too. Penny

  6. Laila Mogensen Says:

    I have given you a Sunshine Award

    The Sunshine Award is passed on “to bloggers who have influenced you with their positive outlook and creativity”

    Here are the guidelines for those nominated:
    Save the image above and post in your own blog
    Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers
    Link to the nominees
    Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog
    Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award

  7. EvaLena Says:

    I am tickled pink that I found your website, your tutorials are AMAZING…………I’m so inspired I’m heading to the quiltshop this minute…………have to get dressed first..