Jan 29 12

Fun Day in the Sewing Room

Recognize this block?  It’s the machine embroidered version of this block I made earlier this summer:

Other than the feather color changes and a different central flower, they look the same from a distance.  When you look at them close-up, though, the ME version has a lot of added interest due to the thread work.  My favorite is the embroidery on the stems:

…and I also love that rope-like embroidery on the tulip edges.  The center flower is nice as well:

The best part, though, is what happens when you quilt these machine-embroidered applique quilt blocks.  They take on a wonderful 3-dimensional character that I just can’t capture with a still camera.  While the embroidery machine was stitching this block today, I was quilting an earlier stitchout of this block and it was soooo exciting to see that 3rd dimension come to life!  I’ll post pics once the quilting is completed, but it was way cool!!viagra without prescription uk


  1. Sally Bramald Says:

    It is so wonderful, I am not know for liking machine embroidery, but this is so cool. It’s like mini braid on each piece! Love it!

  2. Debbie St. Germain Says:

    The stitches make so much difference and i can see the 3D effect it has, on my new computer. Graphics are so much better now.


  3. Rhonda Gillette Says:

    It’s just gorgeous. I love all your work and love reading your updates every time they come out. Beautiful work.

  4. Kelly Jackson Says:

    It is so much fun to see you having fun. You know I love the bright colors and threads.


  5. Kay Lynne Says:

    Your blocks look so beautiful. After seeing your work in person, pictures certainly don’t do justice 🙂