Nov 02 07
New Quilt and Halloween Spooktacular!
I’ve started a new quilt and it’s still just in the “quilt top” stage, but I’ve done some free motion embroidery on it and prepared a part of it for trapunto. Here’s a picture of the “early top,” but know that since this picture was taken, I’ve added a butterfly in the top left corner:
This is what the leaves look like now; once this is in a true quilt sandwich, I’ll stitch outside them with invisible thread and even though they are not trapuntoed, they’ll still pop out just a bit:
Here’s a closer shot of one of the large leaves at the base. It has free motion embroidery, satin stitching, and then free motion inlining of the veining with a gold metallic thread:
And here is the red pansy. You can see that I’ve attached a piece of scrap batting behind it with that decorative “EKG stitch.” Hopefully, I’ll be able to do some thread painting on it this weekend and I’ll post an after-threadpainting picture:
This is all so much fun to do, I can’t imagine ever growing tired of it! On a totally different topic, a belated happy Halloween! Halloween is HUGE at our house! We create a giant haunted cemetery in our front yard and the kids have to walk through all kinds of scary stuff to get to the front door for the candy. My night time pictures didn’t come out too well, so I’ll show you a few daytime pictures that aren’t quite as scary. I love this tombstone…if you look closely, you’ll see that Carrie has 2 right hands emerging from the soil:
Here’s another one of my favorite graves:
(Can you tell we like the look of arms coming out from the ground?!) Here’s the wall of giant spiders the kids walk by:
…and the giant cocoon/web with dangling body parts they walk under:
Ernie’s hobby is woodworking, so he built several small coffins that are all over the graveyard:
…and here’s the front door entryway:
It doesn’t look bad in daylight, but in the dark, with fog machines going and scary sounds blasting…look out!!
Now that would scare me in daylight, I’m glad we don’t ‘do’ Halloween to that extent here in England.
Can’t wait to see how the quilt turns out…