Apr 01 08

I’m Sick-Yick!

Don’t ya just hate being sick? I sure do! I’ve been dragging myself around for the past several days, feeling sorry for myself, and not getting much done. Sure makes me appreciate how great I feel 99% of the time! Despite being felled by a virus, I was able to finish the quilt for the 2nd pattern. It’s called “Hearts ‘N Swirls:”


This picture doesn’t do the quilting justice, so I took a tangential shot and look how cool all the textural effects from the quilting are:


That main background fabric is cotton sateen, and it has a sheen that REALLY throws off great shadows when it’s quilted. I love to do that EKG design stitching to finish the edge of an applique shape.
Here’s a closeup of one of the heart/leaf pairs in a corner, and it shows that kind of stitching off really nicely:


And here’s a closeup of the quilted heart at the base. It was kind of “lost” until I hyperquilted it with blue thread:



  1. ana Says:

    Hi Patsy,

    Sorry to hear you been poorly, but the quilt is great! I am working on my quilting skills. As usual it is taking longer than originally planned….
    By the way, if after beeing sick I can produce something as wonderful as your quilt, can I have a sample of the virus by post? 🙂

    Best wishes,


  2. Maria E Says:

    Thank you for so generously sharing your quilting designs! As a beginning quilter, I appreciate the ideas. I really enjoyed your “pansy trapunto video” and love to see pictures of your beautiful quilts. You are definitely gifted!

  3. Robin Says:

    Hi Patsy, feeling better yet? I hate when I get sick. Hopefully things have gotten better so I don’t have to send you chicken soup via airmail! Take care, Robin

  4. Stacey Says:

    Hi Patsy,
    It’s nice to see how your designs work in more of a pieced kind of quilt. I am getting inspired with your DVDs and have my 12 pearle cotton all ready to dye. However, I can’t find empty spools to buy in stores or online. Where did you buy yours? My other question is about your quilt markings. Do you wash your art quilts, or how do you get your markings off? I swear this has been the absolute worst season for illness. Glad you are back in business!

    Hi Stacey,
    When I first started dyeing thread, I had a great connection with a guy who owned a
    thread store and he was always just giving me empty cones. When he sold the business, my
    source dried up! Then, I went to some local embroidery factories and was able to buy a
    large lot of empty cones from them. I would check your yellow pages for embroidery
    factories in your area and either stop by or call them to see if they either had empty
    cones that they throw out or could sell you. If you don’t have success there, try ebay.
    I searched earlier today and there were a couple of offerings there. ( Try your local
    sources first, though, since you won’t incur any shipping charges that way).
    As far as the markings go, I mainly use either a chalk marker or soapstone marker
    and usually, the bulk of my markings have worn off by the time I’ve finished my quilt, so
    I don’t have to do anything to get rid of them. If I still see a mark, I first rub it
    w/scrap batting. If that doesn’t get rid of it, I try either a fabric eraser or one of
    those little individual packets of “shout” that come individually wrapped.

  5. Peggy Says:

    I was just wondering if you might share the template for the curved dresden plate. I’ve tried making my own and I can’t seem to get it right. Thanks!
    P.S. I think your quilt is gorgeous!