Apr 18 08
More Fun With Hyperquilting!
I got to mess around a bit today with thread, so I thought I’d post a couple more designs to hyperquilt. You can do these designs in one thread only and get them done in just one pass that way, but if you’re a thread lover, it’s fun to play around like this. This first design is what I call the loop-d-loop pansy. (I don’t know why, because it looks nothing like a pansy!)
This design is pretty nice just as is, but if you go back in with another color thread, you can jazz this baby up a bit:
Now here’s a close-up to give you a better look. Note that as far as the loop-d-loop part goes, you’re really not trying to stitch right on top of your previous line except where you enter and exit the flower; the rest of the time, you’re riding just along side of it:
I’m not quite as fond of this next one. This one is called the loop-d-loop rosebud and when you stitch out the “bare-bones” form, make sure you leave some space, (i.e. don’t make it as crowded of a loop-d-loop background) because you’ll need space to go back in and add some leaves. This makes the baseline design look kind of blah:
When you go back in on this one, you’re adding leaves. In this case, I just added them up close to the rosebuds, but you could add them all along the loop-d-loop if you wanted:
And here’s a close-up of this one:
I have a website link for you to see some pretty free motion quilting. Remember Brenda Gail Smith? She’s had some great tutorials on her website before. Go here to see some beautifully quilted heart leaf vines. Make sure you click on the image of her quilt to get a better view of the lovely meandering vines she made!
And I’ll leave you with an image of spring emerging…some blooming red bud trees along our driveway:
Love those roses. (and the pansies)
I own a longarm but understand you use a DSM. Now I’m not too good plus haven’t been at it that long using my longarm and use mostly pantographs. So how can I use your designs (ideas) on my longarm? I only quilt for myself and charities. Love your work.
Hi Sandy,
Thanks! Those designs are all freehand quilting designs that can be
used on a longarm, midarm, or HDSM; either with a frame system or without a frame system.
Personally, I don’t like to pre-mark my quilts with designs (I’m too lazy and it takes
too much time), so I just stitch those designs out freehand. The best way I know to do
that is to practice drawing them on either scrap paper or an erasable white board. This
will not help you learn the coordination of stitching them freehand, but it will help you
to “memorize” the road map of how individual continuous line designs are formed. If this
seems too daunting, you could print out the downloadable designs and stitch each one on
the piece of paper without any thread in your top needle. This will give you a stencil
and you could use pounce or another product to “pre-mark” your quilt. You could also
just trace a design on your quilt top using transfer paper underneath. Either way, good
luck and have fun!
Patsy, I love this quilting with two colors and can’t wait to try it. I found your blog through Mary Quilts and have really enjoyed looking around. Take care and God bless, Cory
Wonderful stitching, love it
Have the first 2 of your DVDs and love them! These designs really add depth to the loop-d-loop family. Wonderful 🙂
I really love the quilting. It’s twice as good as the one time quilting:-)
Your enjoyment of drawing with the needle shines through your work! :o)
I’m working my way through your postings from the beginning, so I don’t ask you quilting questions that are already answered. However I have a technical question about moving around your site. When I open up a screen that shows me the comments or Q&A’s(like this page) the only way I can get back to the full month of posting is to go back to your home page which lists all the monthly postings and start all over again.(hopefully I’ve remembered at what month I was looking) The “back” arrows at the top don’t seem to take me back to the full month’s posting. Do other people have this problem? Is my computer weird?…I know I’m “technically challenged”!!! Is there an easier way to get back to month of April /08?
I kind of feel like I’m the quilting equiv. of “Julie and Julia”. I haven’t started the quilts yet, but my house is covered in pages of doodles!!
TTFN Betsey
Oh my gosh! They are so beautiful. I’ve just started machine quilting and this is a wonderful inspiration.