I’ve been playing around with some basic leaf shapes with embroidered details, kind of like a basic leaf “sampler.” I’m on the 2nd round of stitch-outs for them. These are the first 6 out of 15 total:
This next one is my favorite of this group:
This next one is my LEAST favorite, although I think it would look better if I hadn’t outlined it with such a high contrast thread:
This next one is another fav…I think it’s because I really like the edge-finishing stitched design:
Just 2 more:
Once I get the rest of the 15 leaves done, my plan is to stitch these out using wool for my applique shapes. Think of the textures!
Even your least favorite is beautiful. Living on the coast it reminds me of underwater sea grasses.
Patsy every time I hit the follow the blog I get a source code and no place to enter my information. Not sure how to sign up