Nov 14 18

A Different Kind of Improvisational Quilting

These are 2 improv blocks laid next to one another on the floor.  Wouldn’t more of these make the coolest quilt?  These are actually going to be used as the front and back of a giant knitting bag for my sister, but I definitely want to return to this technique for a real quilt.  Totally, totally fun!  The circles are made separately and appliqued to a block using a small blanket stitch.  I used invisible thread in my top needle:

Here is the front of the bag:

…and here is the back panel:

(I like the front much better, that’s why it’s the front!)  And here’s a shot of the front panel quilted with a spiral design:

Isn’t that cool?  I’m not gonna lie-that spiral was really hard to quilt and my neck was in spasms.  I did it with my walking foot and I NEVER do walking foot quilting because it sends my neck and shoulders into a cramp.  The whole time I was doing it, I was dreaming of throwing on my free motion foot but I persevered and it came out great!  Will post the knitting bag once it’s done.  The interior is a custom job with all kinds of special compartments that Marnie wants, so it will take me awhile to figure that part out.


  1. Karen Says:

    Gosh–you are the BEST sister!! I can’t wait to see all of the custom compartments you put inside!!!

  2. LuAnn H Kessi Says:

    Wow Patsy….you are having FUN! The colors, shapes, designs…they all work together nicely. The spiral quilting is the icing on the cake.

    LuAnn in Oregon

  3. Louann Holmes Says:

    Beautiful! You are really branching out and I love it. Yes, the walking foot is hard on my back. So I added the Westalee circle rulers to my arsenal. The longer ones now give me more options.

    Looking forward to seeing your improv quilt.